34 Heritage

34 Heritage, a premium denim brand, caters to the Modern Gentleman with a focus on exceptional fit, comfort, and style. Beyond the classic 32” x 32”, they offer diverse fits for all shapes and sizes, meeting the needs and tastes of every gentleman. 34 Heritage jeans offers progressive and sophisticated design. Premium denim which combines the comfort and elegance of a trouser with the style of a jean.

34 Heritage Courage Pants Iron Cord FW23-Men's Pants-Yaletown-Vancouver-Surrey-Canada
34 Heritage Courage Pants Ink Rome FW23-Men's Pants-Yaletown-Vancouver-Surrey-Canada
34 Heritage Cool Pants Navy Cord FW23-Men's Pants-Yaletown-Vancouver-Surrey-Canada
34 Heritage - Slub Crew Neck Tee-Men's T-Shirts-Yaletown-Vancouver-Surrey-Canada
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